We are a 100% Volunteer Organization
Hello, friends of the Musquodoboit Trails!
We're always looking for a few volunteers to help with weekly, occasional, and special project needs to ensure the rail trail and the wilderness trails continue to be a great place to bring your family, your dog, or your walking / hiking / biking partner.
Got some time to help? We're looking for three types of volunteers.

Core Volunteers
The Core Volunteers perform a weekly maintenance run from one end of the trail to the other, picking up litter, clearing deadfall, cutting brush, installing/updating signs, and maintaining culverts, barriers, and bridges.
As Core Volunteers, you are the minders of the trail and take responsibility for keeping the trail in the best condition possible.
Volunteers are covered by NS Trails insurance in case of injury.
Core Volunteers are ideally:​​
Retired, semi-retired, or available weekdays
Local to Musquodoboit Harbour, or able to easily travel there
Available 1 or more days a week for weekly maintenance, plus other projects
Want to help? Send us your information via this Google Form: https://bit.ly/mta-volunteer.
Does that sound like too much of a time commitment? Well, good news! We are also looking for...
Project Volunteers
There are lots of small and large projects undertaken each year. This includes:
cleaning out the culverts,
trimming brush along the rail bed and the wilderness trails,
repairing structures and fences.
As a Project Volunteer, you might be asked to contribute a half or full day’s effort to assist a Core Volunteer who will lead the project, explain what needs doing, and provide necessary tools. Volunteers are covered by NS Trails insurance in case of injury.
Depending on the number of projects that need doing, a Core Volunteer will email those on the volunteer list and ask who’s available to help on which project(s) and on which dates/times. Projects will be planned at least a couple weeks in advance.
Want to help? Send us your information via this Google Form: https://bit.ly/mta-volunteer.
Still not your cup of tea, or too much of a time commitment? That's fine, you can still help out as a ...

Visitor Volunteer
The MTA asks that you simply try to keep the trail in the best possible shape that you would like to see it in.
If you see some litter that can easily be picked up, please do so!
It may not seem like a big deal, but trust us, it's a huge help. Other people will see you helping, and you will inspire them to take pride in keeping the trail clean.
If you see larger issues, like downed trees or an overgrown section of a trail, please report what you see on this Google Form: http://bit.ly/mta-problem
The Musquodoboit Trailways Assoc has over 40 kms of trails, so reporting issues is a great way to let other volunteers know about tasks or projects that need doing.
You can help anonymously, or you can join our mailing list at
https://bit.ly/mta-volunteer, in case you find yourself with some free time in the future.
What else can I do to help?​
Since the Association is entirely funded by donations and grants, if you want to help fund the ongoing maintenance and projects, you can donate here: (Choose Membership Type = Donation)​